Four tasty examples of food applications with BlackGrain

The best of both worlds: a novel food ingredient approved by the European Commission with a remarkably mild taste appealing to consumers – that’s our BlackGrain from Yellow Fields™. Our test kitchen, pilot test, and industrial test demonstrate how easy it is to integrate the nutritionally packed BlackGrain in your recipes. Future partners of Apetit …
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Dietary fat as a vital energy source – Reach your nutritional goals with BlackGrain

Our bodies need daily doses of healthy fat for metabolism, especially the essential fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6. Besides health, fat quality plays an important role in fine-tuning the nutritional content of recipes and food applications.  Apetit’s Research and Development Manager Juha-Pekka Järvinen and former Product Development Manager Leticia Valenzuela explain why we need dietary …
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Harness the full potential of Nordic rapeseed with new upcycled ingredient BlackGrain from Yellow Fields™

BlackGrain is a fine example of the philosophy of upcycling food: reducing food waste and using pre-existing raw materials to do more with less, create something original and elevate the nutritional value of food. This new plant-based ingredient offers businesses a smart and simple way to take a step forward in terms of lean and sustainable food production.  Sustainability is a long-standing trend with a growing influence on food production. Upcycling food means reducing food waste and creating high-quality, nutritious food products out …
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